fandom cliques

Because fandom is, was, and shall ever be...fucking funny. And if you get THAT reference, we need to get together and drink and reminisce.


Love a minor character from any medium? Name 'em here. (Yes, actual NPCs count!)

EG: NPC Paresu
<a href="">NPC <img src="[IMG_HERE].png"></a> minor character name

You can change the colour of the tiny heart pixels in the code by choosing from the options below. Please remember to upload to your own server!


You all know what an OTP is. This is for your OTF: the one you gained a soul for. The one you sacrificed your life for. The one that actually got you off your arse and actually writing fic. This is for your ONE. TRUE. FANDOM.

EG: OTF the Legendarium
<a href="">OTF <img src="[CHOSEN_IMG].png"></a> fandom

You can change the colour of the infinity heart pixels in the code by choosing from the options below. Please remember to upload to your own server!

unexpected song

You know when you start a new show/book/whatever, and you have a pretty good idea of who's going to end up your favourite character? This is the exact opposite; this is for the characters that you ended up adoring and you never saw it coming, like an unexpected song! (Can you tell I'm an ex-theatre brat?)

EG: unexpected song Celes Chere
<a href="">unexpected song <img src="[CHOSEN_IMG].png"></a> character name

You can change the colour of the exclaimation point pixels in the code by choosing from the options below. Please remember to upload to your own server!


Have you ever shipped a character from one series with a character from a completely different series? Ever had your jaw drop at just how compatible two characters would be if they just lived in the same universe? Congratulations, you've found your Crossover True Pairing, or your XTP. Who's yours?

EG: Jiang Yanli Arwen Undómiel
CHARACTER ONE <a href=""><img src="[IMG_HERE].png"></a> CHARACTER TWO

You can change the colour of the crossed heart pixels in the code by choosing from the options below. Please remember to upload to your own server!